It is now time to think BIG. About the MACRO picture. How the massive growth in INFRASTRUCTURE continues unabated and how it will impact on you and me. Our lives are slowly adapting/evolving because of the availability of more and more BANDWIDTH, faster PROCESSING speeds and the increasing ubiquity of WIRELESS networks – both GSM and WIFI. How are we changing the way we behave? You just need to look at two markers – 1.) MOBILE phone growth especially in emerging markets ( there will be almost 5bn mobile phone users by the end of 2010) and 2.) growth in SOCIAL media especially the likes of FACEBOOK (400m users and growing ) which takes up an inordinate amount of our spare and working time. People are increasingly connected in an ALWAYS ON ALWAYS CONNECTED WORLD. The curse of the CRACKBERRY has now been extended to all SMART phone users. We have become slaves to technology. Almost every human interaction whether work or play is increasingly reliant upon ...