Surely this has got to be the obvious question in light of the tectonic shifts reshaping the Maghreb? Is the end game (of this social media phenomenon), not the demise of the last autocratic regime of any substance ? ( there are others that will go – but are they as important ? No. ) There are so many factors at play in the next scene of this incredible drama. Saudi Arabia has made an offer to buy Facebook for the ‘princely’ sum of $150bn and hence remove any threat it may pose to stirring unrest in the country. ( http://abna.ir/data.asp?lang=3&id=228583 ) ( BIG JOKE !!!) Seems like an expensive mistake by King Abdullah if Zuckerburg and Co are foolish enough to be bamboozled by Goldman Sachs into accepting the offer. If he thinks that FB is the only way that revolutions are coordinated then he is being badly advised. You only have to read Bernard Henri Levy’s excellent analysis of what transpired in Egypt leading...