
Showing posts from February, 2012

Time for a new Magic Quadrant

You have all heard of the Magic Quadrant.  An industry benchmark by which the, mostly, established players like to measure themselves against each other.    To quote Wikipedia (that repository of all Internet wisdom ;-)) “ the Magic Quadrant aims to provide a qualitative analysis into a market and its direction, maturity and participants, thus possibly enabling a company to be a stronger competitor for that market. ”   The axes of the ‘Quadrant’ are ‘ability to execute’ and ‘completeness of vision’ and the methodology used to apply the ranking remains a closely guarded secret (or mystery depending on how you look at it.)   The MQ applies to many niches in the tech sector.  I want to consider the  User Authentication MQ.  Notably because the space is getting much media attention these days.   Hackers !  Wikipedia says that the aim of the analysis it is to  “ . .enable a company to be a stronger competitor for that market “ ...