My last blog touched on the DropBox hack. It seems that they have now decided to rectify the situation. ( DropBox Fix security ) But many clients have been left wondering. How at risk was I and now am I ? I wonder how much it has impacted their reputation ? Do you entrust your personal and/or corporate data to them or to any of the other Cloud services out there. The better known ones are Google Drive, Evernote, Box, YouSendit, Sugarsync, MS SkyDrive and Egnyte. If so then you should be concerned. Why? Because all of these services rely on you proving who you are merely through the provision of a user name and password. Why is that so bad? Because nowadays you can get password breakers off the Internet that will crack most passwords in seconds. ( Password cracker ) . New sites are being hacked every day with serious consequences for the them and their users (i....