Whether in the 'real' world or the Cyber world there are real threats and dangers and there are perceived threats and dangers. Sandy has just taught us about the reality of the force of nature when an extreme event occurs. Destruction has been wrought on an unprecedented scale. While we know that physical harm can be effected through cyber-terrorism/war such as Stuxnet – the reality is that the hype about Cyber war is just that – hype. These events, like Sandy, are rare. I contend that the sources of much of the scare-mongering (about the ‘threat’ of Cyberwar ) are more often than not , entities/organizations/newspapers / journals that have a vested interest in the proliferation of FUD about the weakness of our Cyber defences. Don’t get me wrong – I am just as concerned as the next guy about cyber security – all I am saying is – lets get some perspective on the matter. The defences that were put up again...