Dear World
If you are reading this then by some miracle you have been directed / linked to this site by the incredible power of Google and the Internet. This whole ‘social media ‘ thing is still new to me and I am now tentatively dipping my toes into the raging torrent of the Blogosphere. I hope that my musings will not be confined to the cold hard world of ‘work’ but that every now and then I will break away and explore some esoteric philosophies that help to explain our place in the Universe. Well that’s what  my six year old son would say!!
My current project is the launch of a new Website which will provide online authentication to the ‘masses’ . Live EnsureTM ( goes live in early July ( assuming no acts of God like Icelandic volanoes!) This is the most exciting project I have worked on since my days at MTN which probably still ranks as my most exciting project so far. But more of that another time.
So through this Blog I hope to share some of my excitement of how the Internet is evolving and how it is becoming so important for users like you and me to feel confident again about using it to its full potential. The Internet is inextricably becoming the core of much of our day to day activities. Our business life and our personal lives are centring more and more around the Web as we use it for work, for entertainment, for education and for socialising. Live EnsureTM is about restoring Trust online – trust that has been shattered by the legion of fraudsters, hackers and Identity thieves out there targeting you and me.
In the next Blog I will talk about authentication and what it is all about and why it is so important for us to use the Internet efficiently.


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